Non-Silicone Heat Transfer Compound Plus
HTCP provides the ultimate in thermal conductivity together with the advantage of using non-silicone base oil.
Product Codes
HTCP02S - 2ml Syringe
HTCP20S - 20ml Syringe
HTCP35SL - 35ml Syringe
HTCP700G - 700G Cartridge
HTCP01K - 1kg Bulk
HTCP25K - 25kg Bulk
Product Description
HTCP Non-Silicone Thermal Interface Material is a ‘Plus’ version of Electrolube’s successful HTC which provides the ultimate in thermal conductivity together with the advantage of using non-silicone base oil. The exceptional properties obtained from HTCP are due to the novel use of various metal oxide (ceramic) powders. These materials are electrically insulative to ensure that leakage currents can not be formed if the paste should come into contact with other parts of the assembly.
As with all thermal interface materials, we would always encourage stringent testing before selecting a material for your application. For further information please refer to the product TDS, or get in touch with our Technical Support Team who are always on hand to ‘Talk Solutions’
Key properties
- Excellent non-creep characteristics
- Very high thermal conductivity; 2.50 W/m.K
- Wide operating temperature range: -50°C to +130°C
- Low evaporation weight loss
- White colour enabled treated parts to be easily identified
- Low in toxicity