Universal Acrylic Conformal Coating Thinners
UAT is a high purity solvent blend designed for use with all Electrolube acrylic based conformal coatings.
Product Codes
UAT05L - 5L Bulk
Product Description
UAT Universal Acrylic Conformal Coating Thinners is a high purity solvent blend designed for use with all Electrolube acrylic based coatings. Electrolube coatings suitable for use with UAT are:
HPA – High Performance Acrylic
APL – Acrylic Protective Lacquer
TRV – Tropicalised Varnish
The primary use of UAT is to dilute coatings for use in dip and spray coating applications however it can be used to clean coating equipment which has been used with the above coatings.
For the correct mix ratios please refer to the TDS.
Key properties
- Used to dilute acrylic conformal coatings for use in dipping and spraying applications
- Normal thinning ratio for spraying applications is 2 parts coating to 1 part thinner